
Saturday, 22 October 2016

Advertisement No. 4/2016 dt. 19.10.2016 (Combined Technical Services Examination 2016)

Dated Kohima, the 19th October, 2016
Applications are invited for filling up the following vacancies under the Government of Nagaland in the manner prescribe below:
Item No. 1:  16 (sixteen) posts of Medical Officer (Class–I Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare Department.
Item No. 2: 8 (eight) post of Veterinary Asst. Surgeon (Class–I Gazetted) under Animal  Husbandry & Veterinary Department.
Item No. 3:     (a) 1 (one) post of SDO (Class–I Gazetted)(Agri./Civil Engineering) under   Irrigation & Flood Control Department.
(b) 4 (four) posts of JE (Class–II Gazetted) (Agri./Civil Engineering)  under Irrigation & Flood Control Department.
Item No. 4: (a) 3(three) posts of SDO (Class–I Gazetted) (Civil Engineering) under  P.H.E Department.
(b) 12 (twelve) posts of JE (Class–II Gazetted) (Civil Engineering) under P.H.E Department.
Item No. 5:     (a) 6 (six) posts of SDO (Class–I Gazetted) (Civil Engineering) under Works & Housing Department.
(b) 19 (nineteen) posts of JE(Class–II Gazetted) (Civil Engineering) under Works & Housing Department.
Item No. 6:     1 (one) post of Asst. Mechanical Engineer (AME) (Class–I Gazetted) (Mechanical Engineering) under Works & Housing Department.
Item No. 7:     (a) 5 (five) posts of SDO (Class–I Gazetted) (Electrical) under Power Department.
(b) 9 (nine) posts of JE (Class–II Gazetted) (Electrical) under Power Department.
(c) 1 (one) post of JE (MIS) (Class–II Gazetted) under Power Department.
(d) 1 (one) post of JE (Class–II Gazetted) (Civil Engineering) under Power Department
Item No. 8:     1 (one) post of Programmer (Class–I Gazetted) under Department of Justice and Law.
Item No. 9:     5 (five) posts of Asst. Public Prosecutor (Class–I Gazetted) under Department of Justice and Law.
Item No. 10:   (one) post of Dy.SP (NPTO) (Class–I Gazetted) under Home Department.
 Item No.11:   4 (four) posts of Ranger (Class–II Gazetted) under the Department of Forest, Ecology, Environment and Wildlife.
Item No.12:    1 (one) post of Librarian (Class–II Gazetted) under the Department of Justice and Law.
Item No.13:    2 (two) posts of District Sports Officer (Class–II Gazetted) under Youth Resources & Sports Department.
Item No.14:    (a5 (five) posts of Junior Soil Conservation Officer (Class–II Gazetted) under Soil & Water Conservation Department.
 (b) 1 (one) post of Asst. Soil Survey Officer (Class–II Gazetted) under Soil & Water Conservation Department.
Item No.15: (a) 8 (eight) posts of Agriculture Inspector (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Agriculture Department.
(b) 3 (three) posts of Agri. Marketing Inspector (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Agriculture Department.
Item No.16:    1 (one) post of Fishery Inspector (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Fishery Department.
Item No.17:    (a1 (one) post of Mechanical Supervisor (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Printing & Stationery Department.
(b3 (three) posts of Foreman (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Printing & Stationery Department.
Item No.18:    1 (one) post of Overseer (SO Grade-I) (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Rural Development Department.
Item No.19:    1 (one) post of Asst. Entomologist (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare Department.
Item No.20:    (a) 3 (three) posts of Lecturer (Grade –A–) (Civil Engineering) under the Department of Technical Education.
(b) 1 (one) post of Lecturer (Grade –A–) (Electrical Engineering) under the Department of Technical Education.
(b) 1 (one) post of Asst. Lecturer (Grade –A–) (Civil Engineering) under the Department of Technical Education.
(c) 1 (one) post of Demonstrator (Grade-III) (Chemistry) under the Department of Technical Education.
Item No.21:    1 (one) post of Computer Programmer (Grade-III Non-Gazetted) under Municipal Affairs Department.
Item No.22:    4 (four) posts of Extension Officer (Class–III) (Non-Gazetted) under Sericulture Department.
Item No.23:    (a) 1 (one) post of Electronic Mechanic (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under the Directorate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.
                        (b) 1 (one) post of Workshop Calculation & Science (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under the Directorate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.
 (c) 1 (one) post of Computer Operating and Processing Assistant (COPA) (Class-III Non-Gazetted) under the Directorate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.
Item No.24:    1 (one) post of Motor Vehicle Inspector (Class–III Non-Gazetted) under Transport Department.
Educational Qualification :-
Item No.1: MBBS from a recognised university duly recognised by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and registered under the Nagaland Medical Council.
Item No.2:   B.V Sc & AH/M.V Sc / G.B VC/G.M. VC /G.V Sc or equivalent.
Item No.3:   (a) B.E (Agri/Civil) Engineering.
         (b) B.E (Agri/Civil) Engineering. 3 (three) years Diploma in Agri/Civil Engineering. Minimum 50% of these posts shall be reserved for persons possessing degree/diploma in Agri. Engineering.
Item No.4: (a) Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or  equivalent Qualification of a recognised university.
                      (b) Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or the equivalent Qualification of a   recognised university. Or 3 (three) years Diploma in Civil Engg. from a recognised board of technical Education.
Item No.5:  (a) Degree in civil Engineering or its equivalent from a university/ board recognised by AICTE.
          (b) 3 (three) years Diploma in Civil Engg./ its equivalent or above from a university/ Board recognised by AICTE.
Item No.6:   Degree in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent from a university/ board recognised by AICTE.
Item No.7: (a)BE/B. Tech ( Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
          (b) Diploma/ Degree (Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
                      (c) Diploma/ Degree (Electronics/ Electronics & Electrical /Electronics & Communication/Computer Engineering)
          (d) Degree / Diploma in Civil Engineering.
Item No.8:    B. Tech/ B.E in computer science & Engineering MCA/M.Sc in Computer Science from a university recognised by AICTE/UGC.
Item No.9:     (i) Graduate in any discipline with LLB.
           (ii) Registered as member of any bar council.
Item No.10:   A degree in Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Communication Engg. Or Electronic Engg. or Computer Engg. From a statutory or equivalent degree.
Post graduate degree in Physics with Electronics/Wireless as a special subject.
Item No.11: Bachelor degree in physics, Chemistry, Botany, Geology, Zoology, Forestry, Agriculture, Horticulture, Bio-Chemistry, Bio-tech, Vety & AH, Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanical Enggfrom a recognised university or equivalent foreign qualification.preference shall be given to those candidates who posses B.Sc/M.Sc (forestry). In the case of candidates who have a degree in pure Mathematics or Statistics, they must have taken on of the following subjects in their higher secondary or matriculation or equivalent examination:-
(1)   Biology
(2)   Physics or
(3)   Chemistry.

(i) Male candidate who came out successful in the competitive examination must pass walking test covering a distance of 25 (twenty five) kms. within 4 hours on foot and woman candidate, 16 (sixteen) kms. within 4 hours on foot.
(ii) Minimum physical standard will be as follows:
        For Man                      For woman
Chest 79cm (normal)        Chest 79cm (normal)
Chest expansion : 5cm      Chest expansion : 5cm  
Height-163cm (152cm in case of  Nagas Mikhirs,Garos,Nepalis,Kacharis etc) Height-150cm (145cm in case of  Nagas Mikhirs,Garos,Nepalis,Kacharis etc)
Provided they are indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland.
Physical measurement will be taken prior to the walking test.
Item No.12:  Bachelor degree in Arts/Commerce/ Science and masters degree in library science or library & information science from a recognised university or institution.
Item No.13:   BPE d/ BPE with preference for MPE/MPE d.
Item No.14: (a)B.Sc (agri) Agri Engg. Horti S&WC Engg. Or Forestry.
         (b) B.Sc (agri) Agri Engg. Horti S&WC Engg. Or Forestry.
Item No.15:  (a) B.Sc (Agri) & above.
           (b) Degree in Agriculture or agriculture Engineering with Additional degree / Diploma in marketing or MBA.
Item No.16: (i) B F Sc.
                      (ii) B.Sc (zoology) its equivalent with 1(one) year PG Diploma in Fishery Science.
Item No.17: (a) & (b) 3(three) years Diploma in printing Technology from recognised institute/university.
Item No.18:  Degree/Diploma in civil Engineering from any institution recognised by the Govt of Nagaland.
Item No.19:  B.Sc Zoology
Item No.20: (a) B.E/ B.Tech with minimum 60% aggregate in Civil Engineering.
         (b) B.E/ B.Tech with minimum 60% aggregate in Electrical Engineering
         (c) 3(three) years Diploma in Civil Engg. with a minimum of 60%.
         (d) B.Sc in Chemistry with honours.
Item No.21: B.tech/B.E in Computer Science & Engg. or BCA/MCA/M.sc in Computer science from a university recognised by AICTE/UGC.
Item No.22: B.sc PGDS/M.sc Sericulture/ B.sc (Agri) with PGDS.
ItemNo.23: (a) 3(three) years Diploma in Electronic Engg./Electronic & Electrical Engg./Electronic & Communication Engg.
        (b) Degree in any branch of Engg./ 3 (three) years Diploma in any branch of Engineering.
                     (c) Passed 3 (three) years Diploma in computer science/ Engineering/ technology from recognised board or institution with 2 (two) years working experience in the relevant field.
                     Passed  MCA/B.TECH /BE (computer science/Engineering/technology ) from a recognised university with 1 year working experience in the relevant field.
         Passed BCA/B.sc Computer science/DoEACC A level from a recognised university with 2 (two) years working experience in the relevant field.
ItemNo.24:Minimum general educational qualification of a pass in X standard, and
        A diploma in automobile Engineering (3 years course).
       A diploma in Mechanical engineer awarded by the state board of technical education (3 years) and                               
(i)Working experience of at least one year in a reputed Automobile workshop which undertakes repairs of both light motor vehicles, heavy goods vehicles and heavy passenger motor vehicles fitted with petrol and diesel engine, and
(ii) Must hold a driving licence authorizing to drive motor cycle, heavy goods vehicles and heavy passenger motor vehicles.

Age on 01-01-2016                Minimum          Maximum
                                                                      21 Yrs.              30 Yrs.                                                                                                                                               Pay Band                 Grade Pay
Item Nos. 1,2,3(a)4(a)5(a)6,7(a)8,9,10,20(a)(b)                    15600-39100               5400
Item Nos. 11, 13.                                                                     9300-34800                4600
Item Nos. 3(b),4(b),5(b),7(b)(c)(d),11,12,14(a)(b)                 9300-34800                4400
Item Nos . 20 (b)(c) 21.                                                           9300-34800                4200
Item Nos. 15(a)(b),16,17(a)(b)18,19,22.23(a)(b)(c).24.         5200-20200                2800
Elective Subject to be opted (only one):
Item No. Elective Subject
1 Medical Science
2 Veterinary science
3(a) Agri. Engg. (Degree)/Civil Engg. (Degree)
3(b) Agri. Engg. (Diploma)/Civil Engg. (Diploma)
4(a) Civil Engg.(Degree)
4(b) Civil Engg.(Diploma)
5(a) Civil Engg.(Degree)
5(b) Civil Engg.(Diploma)
6 Mechanical Engg. (Degree)
7(a) Electrical Engg.(Degree)
7(b) Electrical Engg.(Diploma)
7(c) Electronics & Communication Engg.(Diploma)/ Computer Engg (Diploma)
    7(d) Civil Engg.(Diploma)
8 Computer Science & Engg (Degree)
10 Electronics & Communication Engg.(Degree)/ Computer Engg (Degree).
11 Physics,/Chemistry/Botany/Zoology/Geology/Forestry/Mathematics/Agri science/Horticulture/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Veterinary Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Mechanical Engg(Degree)/Civil Engg(Degree)/Chemical Engg.(Degree).
12 Library Science
13 Physical Education
14 (a) (b) Agri science/Agri Engg.(Degree)/Horti science/Forestry.
15 (a) (b) Agri Science.
16 Fishery Science
17(a) (b) Printing Technology (Diploma)
18 Civil Engg.(Diploma)
19 Zoology
20(a) Civil Engg.(Degree)
(b) Electrical Engg.(Degree)
(c) Civil Engg.(Diploma)
      (d) Chemistry
21 Computer Science & Engineering(Degree)
22 Sericulture
23(a) Electronic Engineering (Diploma)
23 (b) Any branch of Engg. (Diploma) 
23 (c) COPA
24 Automobile/Mechanical Engg. (Diploma)
1.      The upper age limit is relaxable by:
(a)  5(five) years for candidates belonging to SC/ST.
(b) Age concession for serving Government employees will be allowed, the equal number of years they are in service subject to a maximum of 5(five) years.
2.      80% of the vacancies are reserved for the candidates belonging to (a) Any Naga Tribe (b) Kuki (c) Kachari (d) Garo and (e) Mikir provided such persons are Indigenous Inhabitant of the State of Nagaland. 25% of the vacancies are reserved for the candidates belonging (a) Chang (b) Khiamniungan (c) Konyak (d) Phom (e) Sangtam and (f) Yimchunger. Further balance of the vacancies are reserved for the candidates belonging to Chakhesang Tribe 4%, Zeliang Tribe 4%, Pochury Tribe 2% and 2% for Sumis of Kiphiri District vide Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department Notification NO’s. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-II) dated14-04-2011 and dated 15-06-2012. (Continuation of advertisement.. http://www.npsc.co.in/advertisements/3377.html)

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